Holy Week at Salt and Light - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday

Maundy Thursday: Family Dinner Church 6pm at Westminster Presbyterian

Thursday, April 6, 6-7:30p
Great Hall, Westminster Presbyterian Church
1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland

Family Dinner Church is a meal-embedded worship, centering connection and community, kid-friendly and rooted in ancient ritual, youth and parent leadership, holy play and holy mess - all around the table. A team of Westminster teens, young adults, and parents with kids came together to dream up this vision, where we take seriously the early church’s practice of worship around a literal meal, thus “family dinner.”

RSVP TO ATTEND: Email Chris Dela Cruz at cdelacruz@westprespdx.org and tell him you’re from Leaven Community!


Good Friday: Liberation Theology Stations of the Cross

Friday, April 7, 6-7:30 pm
Sanctuary at Leaven Community Center

Led by Mike Hogan, this year’s Good Friday observation will be a contemplative service featuring Stations of the Cross artwork by Argentinian artist, liberation theologian, and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1980) Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

Come ready to reflect on themes rooted in Latin American liberation theology and ground into how each of the stations are relevant to us in our Pacific Northwest context today.


Image: 2nd Station of the Cross, by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel


Easter - Sunday Service, Pancake Breakfast, Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 9, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
CELEBRATE new life and rebirth in community at Salt and Light on Easter Sunday! We will sing, celebrate, breathe, and wonder at the buds and blossoms emerging into the world and within our hearts this spring.  Image source.

We need your help to make Easter happen!

🌱  BRING A HOUSEPLANT (or two!) with you on Easter morning to decorate the sanctuary throughout the Easter Season (April 9-May 21). We will water and tend to your plants, which can be brought home on May 21 or later. Make sure to label your plant so everyone remembers whose is whose!

🍓 BRING FRUIT to share at the Pancake Breakfast immediately following the service.
🐝 SIGN UP to usher, set up the sanctuary, or serve pancakes on Easter. (Correction: Set up the sanctuary is Saturday, April 8th (not 9th).

Salt & Light Week of March 26-April 1, 2023

Sacred Circles, Sacred Spirals

This Lent, Salt and Light will return to our community organizing roots by reconnecting with one another through the sacred practice of “one-to-ones”. In these 40 days of Lent, all Salt and Light members are invited to hold four one-to-one conversations with each other, asking and responding to crucial questions about belonging, grief and community. We will take time in Sunday services to connect with each other and reflect on the fabric that keeps us together. 

SUNDAY, March 26, 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presider

  • Nancy Phelps, Scripture Reflection

  • Barbara Lewis, Assisting Minister

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Ezekiel and the Dry Bones
Giving New Life

We wil be working with Ms. Arvella and creating habitats out of dried things from nature.


Sacred Action - We reflected on our notes from our brainstorm and 1:1's on what a Sacred Action could be.

Mark Your Calendars!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Calling all 1st-5th graders! READ MORE about our last gathering.

LC Spring Garden Party


You are invited to come to a Leaven Community Spring Garden Party and Potluck. We wil be spreading compose and planting seeds in the garden and will conclude with a potluck at 4:30. Email Jane with questions.

Salt & Light Week of March 19-25, 2023

Sacred Circles, Sacred Spirals

This Lent, Salt and Light will return to our community organizing roots by reconnecting with one another through the sacred practice of “one-to-ones”. In these 40 days of Lent, all Salt and Light members are invited to hold four one-to-one conversations with each other, asking and responding to crucial questions about belonging, grief and community. We will take time in Sunday services to connect with each other and reflect on the fabric that keeps us together. 

SUNDAY, March 19, 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presider

  • Jacob Reese, Scripture Reflection

  • Arvella Hietala, Assisting Minister

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Sacred Action

We will be adding to and reflecting on our creative notes from our brainstorm and 1:1's. What could Sacred Action be?

We are also getting ready for Palm Sunday and designing a procession! Baby palm trees are involved.


Sacred Unveiling-What Can it Mean? The Seat-Of-Your-Pants-Players acted out The Woman at The Well from John 4: 5-26.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Calling all 1st-5th graders! Have your adult bring you to the March gathering! We will be focusing on the theme of Lent as a time of waiting and preparing ourselves for Easter. As usual, there will be games, crafts, songs, interactive story time as well as time to share with one another!

Leaven Community Center/Salt & Light Lutheran Church
5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

Also we are always looking for volunteers to share your time, energy and talents with the kids! Please email Rob or Bonnie to find out more info on how you can get involved (and get in touch with your inner child)!

Leaven Board Meeting
6:00 PM 7:30 PM

What is a One-to-One
Leaven Community
Many of us are new to sacred organizing! Jules and Jane, with support from the LCLHC Core Team, will offer a training on one-to-ones after the Salt and Light worship service. Come get (re)acquainted with this sacred organizing practice for community, reflection, and action. 

MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2023
Leaven Community Core Team

Salt & Light Week of March 5-11, 2023

Sacred Circles, Sacred Spirals

This Lent, Salt and Light will return to our community organizing roots by reconnecting with one another through the sacred practice of “one-to-ones”. In these 40 days of Lent, all Salt and Light members are invited to hold four one-to-one conversations with each other, asking and responding to crucial questions about belonging, grief and community. We will take time in Sunday services to connect with each other and reflect on the fabric that keeps us together. 

SUNDAY, March , 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presider, Scripture Reflection

  • Jenny Duvander, Assisting Minister

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


We'll go on a walk in Alberta park to collect "building" materials we can find for our upcoming creations.
Dress for the weather!


During Wondering Time we practiced 1:1 listening and sharing for the second time!

We reflected on this question,
"What is special about being together here? What do you like?"

Together we created a spiral of with some of the ways we are pleased with how we participate at Salt & Light and Leaven.

Thanks to our CAC youth for weaving the reflections from the adult 1:1's. 

More to follow!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Calling all 1st-5th graders! Have your adult bring you to the March gathering! We will be focusing on the theme of Lent as a time of waiting and preparing ourselves for Easter. As usual, there will be games, crafts, songs, interactive story time as well as time to share with one another!

What is a One-to-One?Date Changed to
Sunday, March 19th

Many of us are new to sacred organizing! Jules and Jane, with support from the LCLHC Core Team, will offer a training on one-to-ones after the Salt and Light worship service. Come get (re)acquainted with this sacred organizing practice for community, reflection, and action. 

Salt & Light Week of Feb 19-25, 2023

We are now in the
season After Epiphany!

SUNDAY, February 19, 2023
Transfiguration Sunday

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presiding & Scripture Reflection

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • Brent Wilson
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Transfiguration Sunday


During Wondering Time we shared about food and flowers we like. We wondered how they might grow if their seeds were planted in different types of soil. We also had fun drawing designs and a story book

Mark Your Calendars!

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 22
Click HERE to Join by Zoom
Meeting ID: 503-287 7553
passcode: 910512

Due to the forecast for wintry weather, the Ash Wednesday service will be on Zoom and NOT in the sanctuary. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Join us for a contemplative service by candlelight to sing the Holden Evening Prayer by Marty Haugen. 

Sacred Circles, Sacred Spirals

This Lent, Salt and Light will return to our community organizing roots by reconnecting with one another through the sacred practice of “one-to-ones”. In these 40 days of Lent, all Salt and Light members are invited to hold four one-to-one conversations with each other, asking and responding to crucial questions about belonging, grief and community. We will take time in Sunday services to connect with each other and reflect on the fabric that keeps us together. 

What is a One-to-One?
Sunday, March 5th

Many of us are new to sacred organizing! Jules and Jane, with support from the LCLHC Core Team, will offer a training on one-to-ones after the Salt and Light worship service. Come get (re)acquainted with this sacred organizing practice for community, reflection, and action. 

TUESDAY FEB 23, 2023, 6-7:30PM

Leaven Community Center and Zoom
Meeting ID: 503-287-7553
Passcode: 910512

SUNDAY, FEB 26, 2023, 3-4PM
Central Lutheran Church
1820 NE 21st Ave
Portland, OR 97212

Salt & Light Week of Feb 12-18, 2023

We are now in the
season After Epiphany!

SUNDAY, February 12, 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Julia Nielsen, Presiding & Scripture Reflection

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Salt of the Earth, Light of the World

Together we have the chance to co-create a Top Secret Art Project with Salt, Light & Love!


We continued with Pastor Alison's Wondering Time topic about Justice, Kindness, Humbleness by brainstorming on a wall sheet.

We checked out the new mural by Gina Levine, the founder of We Play . We Play is an afterschool program for kids at Faubion and Vernon Elementary schools. The Vernon kids use Leaven's basement play space!

We were inspired by being in the energized space and discovered we would like a place to display our creative thinking. We began looking at possibilities for a youth led art/maker space in Leaven Community.

FRIDAY, FEB 10, 2023, 7-9PM
FABRIC - Feel & Be Real in Community
Leaven Community Center - 5431 NE 20th Ave
(Date change for February only)

TUESDAY, FEB 14, 2023, 4:45-6:15PM
CMLT Meeting
Leaven Community Center - 5431 NE 20th Ave

Salt & Light Week of Feb 5- 11, 2023

We are now in the
season After Epiphany!

SUNDAY, February 5, 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presiding, Scripture Reflection
    Jenny Duvander, Assisting

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Salt of the Earth, Light of the World

Together we have the chance to co-create a Top Secret Art Project with Salt, Light & Love!


We continued with Pastor Alison's Wondering Time topic about Justice, Kindness, Humbleness by brainstorming on a wall sheet.

We checked out the new mural by Gina Levine, the founder of We Play . We Play is an afterschool program for kids at Faubion and Vernon Elementary schools. The Vernon kids use Leaven's basement play space!

We were inspired by being in the energized space and discovered we would like a place to display our creative thinking. We began looking at possibilities for a youth led art/maker space in Leaven Community.

TUESDAY, FEB 14, 2023, 4:45-6:15PM
Salt & Light Congregational Mission Leader Team
The 2023 CMLT members are Jenny Duvander, Darrel King, Micah Gorans, Rev. Mary Peterson and Pastor Alison Killeen. If you have items for the agenda or plan on attending just send an email to the team.
In-person with Zoom option

FRIDAY, FEB 10, 2023, 7-9PM
FABRIC - Feel & Be Real in Community
Leaven Community Center - 5431 NE 20th Ave
(Date change for February only)

Salt & Light Week of Jan 29-Feb 4, 2023

We are now in the
season After Epiphany!


8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Julia Nielsen, Scripture Reflection

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Requests for Support & Healing
In Loving Memory

Memorial Service

Rev. James Lowell Seiffert, father of Sue Seiffert, (one of Redeemer Lutheran’s first interns), entered eternal life on Monday (Dec. 26) , at the age of 96 years, 7 months, and 19 days. St. Mark's Lutheran will hold the memorial service on Saturday, January 28th, at 10am. To join the service via Zoom, use the following link: St Mark Lutheran Zoom link 

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


From Micah 6:1-8, Pastor Alison's Wondering Time centers around Justice, Kindness and Humbleness . We'll continue WT in CAC.

How's it going with your Epiphany Star Word? AND we have some birthdays in January and February to creatively celebrate!

MONDAY, FEB 6, 2021, 6:30PM
Leaven Community Board Meeting

Salt & Light Week of Jan 22-28, 2023


We are now in the
season After Epiphany!


8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Chor Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Scripture Reflection

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • Brent Wilson
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Rev. James Lowell Seiffert, father of Sue Seiffert, (one of Redeemer Lutheran’s first interns), entered eternal life on Monday (Dec. 26) , at the age of 96 years, 7 months, and 19 days. St. Mark's Lutheran will hold the memorial service on Saturday, January 28th, at 10am. To join the service via Zoom, use the following link: St Mark Lutheran Zoom link 

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


We will share our art welcoming Leaven’s new Director/Organizer and Salt & Light’s Pastor, Alison Killeen. We will share ourselves through our art in a Welcome to the Home We All Share.


Epiphany stars were chosen and infused with our creativity for the community. So many airplanes were made and flown AND during Leaven Community Annual Meeting LaVeta and friends did a Gingerbread House Deconstruction/ Everything was “recycled.”

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested at 3PM on Sunday January 22, 2023 AT Central Lutheran in the Play Space located at 1820 NE 21st Ave, Portland, OR. Enter through the parking lot door and head downstairs.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

Salt & Light Week of Jan 8-14, 2023


We are now in a season of Epiphany!


8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Chor Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Julia Nielsen, Presiding and Scripture Reflection

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Rev. James Lowell Seiffert, father of Sue Seiffert, (one of Redeemer Lutheran’s first interns), entered eternal life on Monday (Dec. 26) , at the age of 96 years, 7 months, and 19 days. St. Mark's Lutheran will hold the memorial service on Saturday, January 28th, at 10am. To join the service via Zoom, use the following link: St Mark Lutheran Zoom link 

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

Time to Shine!

It will be great to see you & hear about your holidays! CAC also has the opportunity to use our creative energy to make the Epiphany Stars really shine!  We will share them with our community during the Salt & Light gathering


We read Luke 2:15-21. Our question was: "What is the hidden prayer that is in your heart as you hear this?" We tried the Lectio Divina process and drew a picture. With Ella's picture, she told a story that the reading sparked for her. She shared this with the congregation, "Even the smallest person can be the biggest change."

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22, 2023.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.

Salt & Light Week of Jan 1-7, 2023

We are now in a season of JOY!


11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering
Gather in-person or via zoom for a simple service of songs, scripture, Im-reflection and communion.

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.


Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


Since Sunday is New Year's Day, we are offering a CAC hybrid gathering with Zoom games! Have your paper and drawing implements ready, please. It may be too early, but our teens are welcome here of course!

Youth are invited to CAC in person at Salt and Light, I'll be there in person.

If you are at home please join with the regular S & L Zoom ID: 503 287 7553, Password: 910512.

This Sunday, as a community, we'll be looking back and looking forward.

At CAC we will share our "Roses and Thorns" with added scope. We'll ask the question, "What is Our Greatest Vision for 'Leaven Community Rising 2023' ". 

We'll prepare to share what we are exploring with the community.

We'll be taking turns reading this Sunday's scripture, Luke 2:15-21, from The Message and trying out the Lectio Divina process together to uncover meaning. 

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22, 2023.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.

Salt & Light Week of Dec 25-31, 2022

We are now in a season of JOY!


11:00-12:00pm Salt and Light Gathering
Gather in-person or via zoom for a simple service of songs, scripture, Im-reflection and communion.

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.


The Salt & Light CMLT has heard from several folks that returning to a 10am start time for our Sunday worship service would allow them to attend more regularly. We're curious to hear from more of our community about changing the worship time. Please take two minutes and Fill Out This Survey to let us know what you think.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Evan’s Colorful Art

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


We will not gather for Children’s Accompaniment Circle on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!


We will read together the book Nativity by Jane’s friend, Juan Wiijngaard and create a surprise art project.

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22, 2023.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.

Salt & Light Week of Dec 18-24, 2022

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!

Leaven Community/S&L
ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Christopher Craun, Presiding and Scripture Reflection
    Isaiah 7:10-16, Matt 1:18-25

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team


The Salt & Light CMLT has heard from several folks that returning to a 10am start time for our Sunday worship service would allow them to attend more regularly. We're curious to hear from more of our community about changing the worship time. Please take two minutes and Fill Out This Survey to let us know what you think.

preparing for christmas


Children & Youth Choir and Percussion Rehearsal
3-4pm at Leaven Community Center

Following the children’s music rehearsal, come decorate the sanctuary for Christmas! We’ll have holiday music, treats and hot chocolate as we “deck the halls and sanctuary” to celebrate the coming of the Light!


Special Christmas Eve Offering

At the Christmas Eve service, we will take up a special offering to support a group of asylum seekers who recently arrived in Oregon. Our friends at IMIrJ are organizing support for these vulnerable families and individuals who have risked everything to find a place of safety. With an uncertain future ahead, these beloveds can best be supported through donations of cash cards (Visa,MasterCard, etc.) and funds so they can meet their immediate needs. Gifts of any amount are welcome and a show of solidarity with our siblings who, like Mary and Joseph, have traveled far and with great difficulty.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Evan’s Colorful Art

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


We will read together the book Nativity by Jane’s friend, Juan Wiijngaard and create a surprise art project.

Last Sunday
We made cards and wrote intentions of joy for our elders and community members with birthdays and new babies.

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22, 2023.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.

Salt & Light Week of Dec 11-16, 2022

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!

Leaven Community/S&L
ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering

  • Anneliese Davis, Officiating

  • Pastor Sara Rosenau, Scripture Reflection

  • Pastor Sara Rosenau , Communion

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Barbara Lewis, Nancy Phelps
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

Rev. Christopher Craun, December 17, 2022

Special note from CMLT regarding calling Alison Killeen as Pastor of Salt and Light

Consistent with our value of shared leadership and acknowledging the dual roles we are asking Alison to fill for Salt and Light and Leaven Community, CMLT supports a monthly rhythm for worship service that will be different from what we've had in the past. If the congregation approves her call, we have agreed that Alison will preside over Salt and Light worship three Sundays a month and preach two of those Sundays a month. Therefore, we will have one Sunday with a guest preacher/storyteller and one Sunday that is led entirely by the lay members of Salt and Light.

We are excited both to continue our tradition of community leadership in worship and to welcome a new pastor who will provide consistency and her own leadership as we continue to rise up together!

If you have any questions about this rhythm or are interested in being part of worship design, please reach out to your CMLT: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny and Darrel (cmlt@leaven.org)

Sunday, Dec 11 12:30pm

December 11, 2022 at 12:30 will be your opportunity to engage in the collective process of inviting Alison Killeen to accompany and share her leadership gifts as the next Leaven Community Director-Organizer and the next Salt & Light Lutheran congregation Pastor. The following will happen at this specially called meeting:

a)    Leaven Community members will share their decision via consensus for Alison Killeen to be the next Leaven Comunity Director-Organizer

b)    Salt & Light members will share their decision via voting for Alison Killeen to be the next Pastor of the Salt & Light Lutheran congregation.

c)     The Board will present to the Community for approval, the compensation package for Alison Killeen.

No other business will be conducted at this meeting.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

Wreath Making

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


Barbara Lewis and Nancy Phelps will accompany us in exploring what in your life brings you JOY? How do you bring JOY to others in your life?

We will utilize the story of Elizabeth/Zechariah and Mary, as cousins, as unexpectedly pregnant women, and consider their JOY in the unexpected. 

We are considering reading this Gospel from the First Nations Version of the New Testament. Here is a quote that offers you the flavor of this version of this Gospel, known to us as Luke 1. In the First Nations Version, Luke's name is Shining Light, his Gospel is named Shining Light Tells the Good Story.

"It was in the time of the bad hearted Chief Looks Brave, who ruled the Land of Promise, that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit messenger to Sacred Village of Peace, to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember. He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise, were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from......."

We will make cards and write intentions of joy for those with birthdays (Eldon just turned 98!), babies (Mira) and our elders/shut ins. 

We flow together toward and into Advent

Last Sunday

Matt Smith joined us as we explored what it means to live in a Peaceable Kingdom.  We played our percussion instruments on our sending song, "The Trees in the Fields Will Clap Their Hands"

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.


CMLT (S&L Congregational Mission Leader Team) 6:30 pm
Leaven Community Board 6:30pm

Introducing Alison Killen

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It is our honor to share with you the candidate recommendation for the next Director-Organizer for Leaven Community and Pastor for Salt & Light Lutheran Church, Alison Killen. The Board and Salt & Light CMLT  (Congregational Mission Leader Team) are in the process of arranging dates for the community to meet Alison and there will be a special meeting on December 11, 2022, specifically for the following:

a)    Leaven Community approval of Alison as our Director-Organizer

b)    Salt & Light approval of Alison as their Pastor

c)     The compensation package for Alison

No other business will be conducted at this meeting.

For Leaven Community members, this is your opportunity to participate in a process that is designed for every participant to have voice in approving the next Director-Organizer. Your participation matters for continuing this journey of living into values and practices that nourish life and build community voice and power in our neighborhoods, cities, and state.

A Leaven Community member is a person who commits to engaging in the life, voice and actions of the community with curiosity and a desire to discover what gives you and others energy. We promise to walk with one another in trust and love, engaging in practices that open our imagination and possibilities by…

·        having intentional conversations with one another; individually and in group settings

·        participating in community activities, gatherings, and actions

·        giving at least one financial gift of record per year to support the day to day operations, administration and work of Leaven Community.

Again, your voice matters, so please mark December 11th on your calendars and be on the lookout for the “Meet and Greet” dates with Alison. 

We are deeply grateful to the Call-Search Team, Leaven Community Board and the Salt & Light CMLT for the countless hours you have given to bring this recommendation to the community. THANK YOU. (Call-Search Team: Nancy Phelps & Derek Fenwick (co-chairs), Eric Jordahl, Elissa Mendenhall, Amy DeWallace, and Mike Hogan. Joint Board & CMLT: Lois Jordahl & Anneliese Davis (co-chairs), The joint team members are: Co-chairs, Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.)

Salt & Light Week of Nov 20-26

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!


Leaven Community/S&L
ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering

  • Anneliese Davis, Officiating

  • Rev. Chris Dela Cruz, Scripture Reflection
    Psalm 46 and Luke 23:33-43

  • John Rodgers, Communion

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating, Eric Conklin
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

November 27 - Jazmin Velez, Leaven Community member and organizer.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com


The Call-Search Team’s candidate recommendation for the Director-Organizer of Leaven Community and Pastor of Salt & Light Lutheran Church will be shared SUNDAY, NOV 20, during the Leaven Community/Salt & Light ANNUAL MEETING and the joint LC Board/CMLT team will also share the remaining steps of the process.

Continue to hold the candidate and the joint LC Board/CMLT Team in your meditations and prayers. The joint team members are: Co-chairs, Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.

Sidenote: If your interests are stirring you to engage in Leaven Community’s mission in a deeper way, there is room at the table for a diversity of voices on the 2023 LC Board of Directors. Share your interest in person with a board member or via email: board@leaven.org

Labels for Mint Tea

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


Our Abundant Mint Project is ready to be delivered to Right2Survive! Beautiful job on the 20 large packets of tea everyone! Special thanks to Leaven Land for Abundant Mint.

In the words of Pastor Chris, "The call before us, will we choose to be a part of the surprising flow of Love, of life flourishing?"

We flow together toward and into Advent

Last Sunday
We made some Joyful Noise with the sending song!


Leaven Community/S&L Annual Meeting Part 1
(Details Here)

Salt & Light Week of Nov 13-19

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!


Leaven Community/S&L
ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering

  • Anneliese Davis, Officiating

  • Jess Ingman, Scripture Reflection
    Luke 21:5-19, Psalm 98

  • John Rodgers, Communion

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating

    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

November 20 - Rev. Chris Dela Cruz

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com


The Call-Search Team’s candidate recommendation for the Director-Organizer of Leaven Community and Pastor of Salt & Light Lutheran Church will be shared SUNDAY, NOV 20, during the Leaven Community/Salt & Light ANNUAL MEETING and the joint LC Board/CMLT team will also share the remaining steps of the process.

Continue to hold the candidate and the joint LC Board/CMLT Team in your meditations and prayers. The joint team members are: Co-chairs, Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.

Sidenote: If your interests are stirring you to engage in Leaven Community’s mission in a deeper way, there is room at the table for a diversity of voices on the 2023 LC Board of Directors. Share your interest in person with a board member or via email: board@leaven.org

Decorating Bags for Garlic!

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


Join the Discussion - How do we find out/decide what the community needs with these funds we are raising? What other Wonderful Gifts do we have from the land, from the people in our community to share? 

Make some Joyful Noise! 
Let’s practice with our percussion instruments so we can play during the S&L sending song. All Are Wanted.

Last Sunday

We had a convergence of Beautiful Organic Garlic from SoilEd Farm (Cheryl) and the idea from Gwen of raising funds to benefit the wider community. 

CAC decorated bags and packaged garlic to sell. (We still have a few). It was great to have Carmen & Marina there. Spencer said, “Hello!”

Special Thanks to Blake for her accompaniment!


Leaven Community Budget Briefing
1-2pm (Details Here)

Leaven Community Board
Zoom Gathering

Leaven Community/S&L Annual Meeting Part 1
(Details Here)

Salt & Light Week of Nov 6-12

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!


ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
In the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Worship

  • John Rodgers, Presiding & Preaching
    Scripture Reflection, Exodus 1:1-14; 3:1-15
    Galatians 5:1, 13-15

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating

    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

November 13 - Jess Ingman
November 20 - Rev. Chris Dela Cruz

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com


The Leaven Community Board and Salt & Light CMLT (Congregational Mission Leader Team) met to begin next steps for bringing the recommended candidate for the Leaven Community Director-Organizer and Pastor of Salt & Light Lutheran church to the community. They are in touch with the candidate and are working on a mutually agreeable compensation package. Continue to hold the candidate and the joint LC Board/CMLT Team in your meditations and prayers. The joint team members are: Co-chairs, Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.

Sidenote: If your interests are stirring you to engage in Leaven Community’s mission in a deeper way, there is room at the table for a diversity of voices on the 2023 LC Board of Directors. Share your interest in person with a board member or via email: board@leaven.org


Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


"...what it means to be alive in God's story of creation and nonviolent liberation."

Activity - Abundant Mint Project
We are ready to put our mint in bags with your beautiful labels. Jane will deliver it on Monday to Right2Survive! We get to celebrate a job well done! Abundant Mint Project Play Time!

Last Sunday

We shared about our People and Pets who have passed on.

We made colorful votive candle holders to take home.


Leaven Community Board
Zoom Gathering
Salt & Light CMLT
Leaven Community Center in the Sunroom

Salt & Light Week of Oct 23-29

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!


ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
In the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Worship

  • Eric Conklin, Presiding
    Scripture Reflection on 2 Timothy 4:6-8; 16-18 and
    Luke 18:9-14

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • Brent Wilson, Zoom AV Team

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

The Call-Search Team met Saturday, October 8, and came to consensus on a candidate to recommend for the position of Leaven Community Director-Organizer and Pastor of Salt & Light Lutheran Church. On Thursday, October 20, the Leaven Community Board and the Salt and Light Congregational Mission Leader Team (CMLT) received the recommendation of the Call-Search Team for our next Director-Organizer-Pastor! This concludes the work of the Call-Search Team, and the process is now in the hands of the Board and CMLT, who will move through the process together as one team. Please join us in THANKING the members of the Call-Search Team - Derek Fenwick and Nancy Phelps (co-chairs), AmyDeWallace, Elissa Mendenhall, Eric Jordahl, and Mike Hogan - for the tremendous amount of time and effort they put into discerning a fantastic candidate for Leaven Community/Salt and Light!

The Board and CMLT are eager to meet the candidate and will begin to work out a mutually agreeable compensation package. Becasue the candidate will also be the pastor of Salt & Light, the ELCA Oregon Synod process is also being followed and while we would love to share the candidate’s information, for now it still needs to be kept confidential. Much more to come (there are many, many steps in the process)! Continue to hold the candidate and the joint LC Board/CMLT Team in your meditations and prayers as we move towards bringing this recommendation to the community. The joint team members are: Co-chairs Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.

Sidenote: If your interests are stirring you to engage in Leaven Community’s mission in a deeper way, there is room at the table for a diversity of voices on the 2023 LC Board of Directors. Share your interest in person with a board member or via email: board@leaven.org

Requests for Support & Healing
In Loving Memory

Celebration of Life Memorial Service for Harry R. Olsen

Sunday, October 30, 2022
3:00 p.m.
Salt and Light Lutheran Church
Obituary Here


Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

How did/do we become ourselves?
'...if you're content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself'.
(Luke 18:9-14, The Message)

We'll also be thinking ahead to the honoring of our ancestors. What do we love about the holidays coming up?

Last Sunday
View the Root Buddies Story that was shared with us by Evelyn and Jane.

* * * * * * * * * *
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Leaven Community Center
Email Jane for time: jane@leaven.org

Parents, youth and children are invited to come together to think about this diverse and growing group to make it as liberatory and inclusive as our resources evolve to make it possible.

In this evolving process we meet to:

1. Making sure our CAC time has needed support through the end of January (with a peek ahead into 2023).

2. Planning to make the holidays special for our youth and connect their spiritual formation in community.

3. Our Abundant Mint Project is finishing up. What do our youth want to do next?

You are all wanted in this process.


CAC Planning Meeting
Leaven Community Center
Email Jane for time: jane@leaven.org

Cully-Roseway Language Exchange! // Intercambio de Cully-Roseway!
6-8PM Calvary Presbyterian Church
3516 NE 71st Ave, Portland, OR 97213

“Intergenerational Stories of Money & Value”
Story Gathering
7-8:30PM Leaven Community Center
5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

Salt & Light Week of Oct 16-22

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!


ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
In the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Worship

  • Jane Keating & Evelyn Velez, Officiating and John Rodgers, Communion Presider

    Sharing the story of LC Root Buddies

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones, Zoom AV Team

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are invited to help with the following simple tasks:

  • communion preparation

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers for the space

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

  • communion assistants

  • zoom-hosting

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at cmlt@leaven.org

Zoom-hosting talk with or email:
Brent, botanu@gmail.com
LaVeta, lavetagj@gmail.com

October 2022
The The Call-Search Team met, Saturday, October 8 and unanimously agreed on a candidate to recommend to the community for the position of Leaven Community Director-Organizer and Pastor of Salt & Light Lutheran Church. The team will meet with the LC Board of Directors and Salt & Light CMLT on Thursday, October 20th in a closed meeting to share our recommendation and discuss the next steps. Those steps will then be shared with the community at-large. Continue to hold everyone and the candidate in your meditations and prayers as we move towards bringing this recommendation to the community. The Call-Search team members are: Nancy Phelps and Derek Fenwick (co-chairs), Elissa Mendenhall, Eric Jordahl, Mike Hogan and Amy DeWallace.

Requests for Support & Healing
In Loving Memory

Celebration of Life Memorial Service for Harry R. Olsen

Sunday, October 30th, 2022
3:00 p.m.
Salt and Light Lutheran Church

Meet Hiromi Uemura!

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating

CAC is growing! We had 13 youth at the October 8th gathering

Parents, youth and children are invited to come together to think about this diverse and growing group to make it as liberatory and inclusive as our resources evolve to make it possible.

Please respond to the following doddle poll indicating your availability to meet asap. Let us know who in your family group is coming, thx! We'll go with the date most folx can attend.


In this evolving process we meet to:

1. Making sure our CAC time has needed support through the end of January (with a peek ahead into 2023).

2. Planning to make the holidays special for our youth and connect their spiritual formation in community.

3. Our AMP project is finishing up, what do our youth (with S & L support) want to do next?

You are all wanted in this process.

Jane heard from Ground Score co-founder Barbie that Right2Survive organizers want mint tea. The Leaven Community Children’s Garden is full of mint and CAC isl responding to the request.

Step 1: Pick, wash and dry mint - DONE
Step 2: Separate leaves from stems - DONE
Step 3 - Create Art Labels - DONE
Step 4 - Package
Step 5 - Distribute

Sunday, October 9 we met the newest member of the Leaven Community family, 5 week old, Hiromi, child of Ilana and Spencer Uemura. Welcome!


“Intergenerational Stories of Money & Value”
Story Gathering
7-8:30PM Brent Wilson’s home
937 NE Webster Street

OCTOBER 19, 2022
Cully-Roseway Language Exchange! // Intercambio de Cully-Roseway!
6-8PM Calvary Presbyterian Church
3516 NE 71st Ave, Portland, OR 97213

Call-Search Team with LC Board & Salt & Light CMLT
6:30-8PM In-person at Leaven Community