Salt & Light Week of Dec 11-16, 2022

We are now in a season of transition and JOY!

Leaven Community/S&L
ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512

9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Gathering

  • Anneliese Davis, Officiating

  • Pastor Sara Rosenau, Scripture Reflection

  • Pastor Sara Rosenau , Communion

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Barbara Lewis, Nancy Phelps
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

Rev. Christopher Craun, December 17, 2022

Special note from CMLT regarding calling Alison Killeen as Pastor of Salt and Light

Consistent with our value of shared leadership and acknowledging the dual roles we are asking Alison to fill for Salt and Light and Leaven Community, CMLT supports a monthly rhythm for worship service that will be different from what we've had in the past. If the congregation approves her call, we have agreed that Alison will preside over Salt and Light worship three Sundays a month and preach two of those Sundays a month. Therefore, we will have one Sunday with a guest preacher/storyteller and one Sunday that is led entirely by the lay members of Salt and Light.

We are excited both to continue our tradition of community leadership in worship and to welcome a new pastor who will provide consistency and her own leadership as we continue to rise up together!

If you have any questions about this rhythm or are interested in being part of worship design, please reach out to your CMLT: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny and Darrel (

Sunday, Dec 11 12:30pm

December 11, 2022 at 12:30 will be your opportunity to engage in the collective process of inviting Alison Killeen to accompany and share her leadership gifts as the next Leaven Community Director-Organizer and the next Salt & Light Lutheran congregation Pastor. The following will happen at this specially called meeting:

a)    Leaven Community members will share their decision via consensus for Alison Killeen to be the next Leaven Comunity Director-Organizer

b)    Salt & Light members will share their decision via voting for Alison Killeen to be the next Pastor of the Salt & Light Lutheran congregation.

c)     The Board will present to the Community for approval, the compensation package for Alison Killeen.

No other business will be conducted at this meeting.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • sunroom hospitality

Talk with or email: Anneliese, Amy, Jenny, or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:

Wreath Making

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


Barbara Lewis and Nancy Phelps will accompany us in exploring what in your life brings you JOY? How do you bring JOY to others in your life?

We will utilize the story of Elizabeth/Zechariah and Mary, as cousins, as unexpectedly pregnant women, and consider their JOY in the unexpected. 

We are considering reading this Gospel from the First Nations Version of the New Testament. Here is a quote that offers you the flavor of this version of this Gospel, known to us as Luke 1. In the First Nations Version, Luke's name is Shining Light, his Gospel is named Shining Light Tells the Good Story.

"It was in the time of the bad hearted Chief Looks Brave, who ruled the Land of Promise, that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit messenger to Sacred Village of Peace, to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember. He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise, were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from......."

We will make cards and write intentions of joy for those with birthdays (Eldon just turned 98!), babies (Mira) and our elders/shut ins. 

We flow together toward and into Advent

Last Sunday

Matt Smith joined us as we explored what it means to live in a Peaceable Kingdom.  We played our percussion instruments on our sending song, "The Trees in the Fields Will Clap Their Hands"

Hi there!
We are thrilled to announce the relaunch of the NE Kids Collective for 2023 for elementary school-age kids as well as their families.

Building on the groundwork laid by Deacon Bonnie of Central Lutheran and Melissa Olmstead of Westminster Presbyterian, Dcn. Bonnie and I wish to continue journeying with our kids in discovering the all encompassing love of God as well as exploring the zillion ways this love can be known and expressed in our everyday lives.

The gatherings will be taking place on a monthly basis during the school year on Sunday afternoons starting on February 26. We will be having an info meeting with leaders, parents and folks who might be interested on Sunday January 22.

Our times together will be highly interactive and revolve around creativity, celebration as well as hospitality as we seek to discover and enjoy the unconditional love of God in our lives. In each gathering, there will be extended times of imaginative hands-on exploration, a short time of celebration involving stories, prayer, songs, silliness, games, show and tell, etc.  We hope to end each gathering with a meal together, enjoying each other’s company.

I invite you to come and explore with me and Dcn. Bonnie at our informative meeting on Sunday January 22 2023! We will meet at 3pm with the location being sent out closer to the date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with either me or Dcn Bonnie.


CMLT (S&L Congregational Mission Leader Team) 6:30 pm
Leaven Community Board 6:30pm
