Salt & Light Week of March 5-11, 2023

Sacred Circles, Sacred Spirals

This Lent, Salt and Light will return to our community organizing roots by reconnecting with one another through the sacred practice of “one-to-ones”. In these 40 days of Lent, all Salt and Light members are invited to hold four one-to-one conversations with each other, asking and responding to crucial questions about belonging, grief and community. We will take time in Sunday services to connect with each other and reflect on the fabric that keeps us together. 

SUNDAY, March , 2023

8:30-9:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
Learning Circle in the chapel and on Zoom (login above).

8:45-9:45am Choir Rehearsal

10:00-11:30am Salt and Light Gathering

  • Rev. Alison Killeen, Presider, Scripture Reflection

  • Jenny Duvander, Assisting Minister

  • Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans, and Guests Musicians

  • Chris Evans, Usher

  • Jane Keating
    Children’s Accompaniment Circle

  • LaVeta Gilmore Jones
    Zoom AV Team

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Zoom Info
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512
Covid Protocol
Masks are optional AND required when singing.
Thank you for considering the needs of the community.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality/refreshments

Talk with or email: Jenny, or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:

Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Update from Jane Keating


We'll go on a walk in Alberta park to collect "building" materials we can find for our upcoming creations.
Dress for the weather!


During Wondering Time we practiced 1:1 listening and sharing for the second time!

We reflected on this question,
"What is special about being together here? What do you like?"

Together we created a spiral of with some of the ways we are pleased with how we participate at Salt & Light and Leaven.

Thanks to our CAC youth for weaving the reflections from the adult 1:1's. 

More to follow!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Calling all 1st-5th graders! Have your adult bring you to the March gathering! We will be focusing on the theme of Lent as a time of waiting and preparing ourselves for Easter. As usual, there will be games, crafts, songs, interactive story time as well as time to share with one another!

What is a One-to-One?Date Changed to
Sunday, March 19th

Many of us are new to sacred organizing! Jules and Jane, with support from the LCLHC Core Team, will offer a training on one-to-ones after the Salt and Light worship service. Come get (re)acquainted with this sacred organizing practice for community, reflection, and action. 
