Introducing Alison Killen
It is our honor to share with you the candidate recommendation for the next Director-Organizer for Leaven Community and Pastor for Salt & Light Lutheran Church, Alison Killen. The Board and Salt & Light CMLT (Congregational Mission Leader Team) are in the process of arranging dates for the community to meet Alison and there will be a special meeting on December 11, 2022, specifically for the following:
a) Leaven Community approval of Alison as our Director-Organizer
b) Salt & Light approval of Alison as their Pastor
c) The compensation package for Alison
No other business will be conducted at this meeting.
For Leaven Community members, this is your opportunity to participate in a process that is designed for every participant to have voice in approving the next Director-Organizer. Your participation matters for continuing this journey of living into values and practices that nourish life and build community voice and power in our neighborhoods, cities, and state.
A Leaven Community member is a person who commits to engaging in the life, voice and actions of the community with curiosity and a desire to discover what gives you and others energy. We promise to walk with one another in trust and love, engaging in practices that open our imagination and possibilities by…
· having intentional conversations with one another; individually and in group settings
· participating in community activities, gatherings, and actions
· giving at least one financial gift of record per year to support the day to day operations, administration and work of Leaven Community.
Again, your voice matters, so please mark December 11th on your calendars and be on the lookout for the “Meet and Greet” dates with Alison.
We are deeply grateful to the Call-Search Team, Leaven Community Board and the Salt & Light CMLT for the countless hours you have given to bring this recommendation to the community. THANK YOU. (Call-Search Team: Nancy Phelps & Derek Fenwick (co-chairs), Eric Jordahl, Elissa Mendenhall, Amy DeWallace, and Mike Hogan. Joint Board & CMLT: Lois Jordahl & Anneliese Davis (co-chairs), The joint team members are: Co-chairs, Lois Jordahl (board chair) and Anneliese Davis (CMLT president), Amy DeWallace, Ben Mendenhall, Darrel King, Jenny Duvander, John Rodgers and Richard Harmon.)