Salt & Light gathers Sundays at 10am

Attend in person at Leaven Community Center or on Zoom

Welcome to Salt & Light Lutheran

Salt and Light is the ELCA Lutheran worshipping congregation within the larger Leaven Community. We are a beloved community, walking together along ancient paths of scripture and practice as God’s body of grace seeking God’s way of justice. You are welcome in this community to worship together, rise together and change together.


Wednesday Lenten Series


TYPICAL Sunday Morning IN-PERSON GatheringS

If you enter the building from the parking lot, walk down the hallway to the front of the building. All are invited to write your names on name tags. Coffee and tea are available and can be taken into the sanctuary.

All who like to sing and/or play an instrument are welcomed to the “Seat of Our Pants” music team. We rehearse Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:50am. Contact our musician, Ali Ippolito, for more info: alisfingers AT gmail DOT com.

Art Table
There is a table with art supplies where all are welcome explore your creativity during the service.

Our Children
Our children are a precious, lively part of our community. During the service, children gather on the Wondering Time quilt for conversation and reflection. They then have the option to remain in the service or to go to Children’s Accompaniment Circle. They return to participate in communion and the remainder of the gathering.

Every third Sunday of the month at Salt & Light, the entire congregation engages in a child-centering service (inclusive of any age!) called Holy Play.

Pastor Alison and others within and among the Salt & Light Community preach and reflect on scriptures through their stories, and invite us to reflect with one another through the sharing of our stories and experiences.

ALL are welcome to share in God’s extravagant love at the communion table — no exceptions!


you are welcome here

You are welcome as you are. We are young and old. We are traditional and we are abundantly creative. We share common struggles and joys and we rejoice in our blessed differences.

You are welcome, wherever you are on your spiritual journey. On days of question and doubt, you are welcome. On days of mustard seed faith, you are welcome.

You are welcome to bring your whole self: your stories, your bodies, your questions, your head and your heart. We trust that God’s spirit is expressed in people in a beautiful bounty of ways, and we welcome and affirm people of all gender identities and sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds and life experiences. We honor and celebrate love and partnership in the many ways the Spirit breathes them into our lives.

You are welcome to explore! Our children are a precious, lively part of our community and our Sunday morning gathering, and we invite you into wonderment with them as they connect with God with their voices, laughter and bodies.

You are welcome to the table. All are welcome to Christ’s table in Holy Communion and to share in God’s extravagant love — no exceptions.

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Congregational Mission Leader Team (CMLT)

Congregational Mission Leader Team
Attending to the spiritual life of the congregation.
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