Salt & Light Week of March 17-23

FIFTH sunday
in lent


March 17, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of March 10-16

fourth sunday
in lent

March 10, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Living Word

Kris Rasmusson & Auggie Conklin, Assisting Ministers

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553

children’s accompaniment circle


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of March 3-10

THIRD sunday
in lent

March 3, 2024

Pastor John Rodgers, Communion Presider

Douglas Brown, Living Word

Jenny & Evan DuVander, Assisting Ministers

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553

children’s accompaniment circle

What Comes After the Rainbow?

Today in CAC we will check on our own weather with a "Rose & Thorn".

Salt and Light is in a time of Sacred Unveiling almost until Easter. 

What does that look like for our "True Selves"?

Together we will plan out our message and paint the big center of our sun for our ongoing wall art for our very own Sunroom:) 


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of February 25-March 2

second sunday
in lent

February 25, 2024

Mark 1:9-15

Pastor John Rodgers, Communion Presider

Brent Wilson & Nancy Phelps, Assisting Ministers

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553

children’s accompaniment circle

What Comes After the Rainbow?

Today in CAC we will check on our own weather with a "Rose & Thorn".

Salt and Light is in a time of Sacred Unveiling almost until Easter. 

What does that look like for our "True Selves"?

Together we will plan out our message and paint the big center of our sun for our ongoing wall art for our very own Sunroom:) 


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of February 18-24

first sunday
in lent

holy play:
sunshine & rain

February 18, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider Valerie Silliman, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of February 11-17

sixth sunday after epiphany /
transfiguration sunday

February 11, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on Mark 9:2-9

Joe Morgan, Assisting Minister

Arvella Hietala, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans and Doug Brown, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553

Our time to Shine in Children's Accompaniment Circle as we continue with S&L's theme of Following the Light.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of February 4-10

FIFTH sunday after epiphany

February 4, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on Mark 1:29-39

Amy DeWallace, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans and Doug Brown, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Our time to Shine in Children's Accompaniment Circle as we continue with S&L's theme of Following the Light.

Last week we painted the Rays of the Sun.

This week we’ll create and paint our Sun’s center and put it together.

What is our message to share as our Guiding Star’s Center?


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of January 28-February 3

fourth sunday after epiphany

January 28, 2024

Rev. Julia Nielsen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on Mark 1:21-28

Nancy Phelps, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps, Micah Gorans and Doug Brown, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Our time to Shine in Children's Accompaniment Circle as we continue with S&L's theme of Following the Light.

We'll work together on our Sun Art Project for the Sunroom.

We'll bring our rays of love together in this wall art we paint and construct.

Bring something you can be messy in.

Plus games!!
(Might involve flying paper balls, just sayin'.)


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of January 21-27

third sunday after epiphany:
holy play!
a kids-centered service

January 21, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider

Jacob Reese, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Micah Gorans, musicians

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of January 14-20

second sunday after epiphany
(online only)

January 14, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on John 1: 43-51

Jane Keating, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

Welcome CAC Shining Stars!

Epiphany Illumination

It’s a Zoom Pajama Retreat!

We’ll be meeting each other in everyone’s houses at once! Make sure your youth have a separate device to Zoom on and join with both devices at 10am.

Jane will be in her PJ’s. Please bring your colored pens and some paper.

We will play our own version of CAC “Video” games as a group.

And of course we’ll do our Rose and Thorns for a cold snowy day.

If you haven't already received your Epiphany Star we'll have some for you to choose from!


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of January 7-13

first sunday after epiphany

January 7, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on Matthew 2:1-12

Daryl Lohrmann, Assisting Minister

Jane Keating, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & guests, musicians

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

Welcome CAC Shining Stars!

It is Epiphany and that means Salt and Light's tradition of Epiphany Stars.

Each person is invited to pick a star that has a word on it.

You may use this word in 2024 as a guiding light.

What is your Star offering to you?
How are you giving to the Light?

Art Project: We have the rays of light on strong paper created our youth. Together we are engineering (painting too) a wall sculpture of our Star, the Sun, with our CAC message for all of us.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of December 31-January 6

lessons & carols

December 31, 2023

** There will be no Children’s Accompaniment Circle this morning **

Pastor John Rodgers, Presider

Arvella Hietala, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps, musicians

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

A Special Thank You to all who come together to make Advent a special time and create closeness, fun and memories for our youth with activities and treats! There are always ways to contribute. Contact to participate by helping with crafts or bringing treats.

First Sunday in Advent:
Hope in the Deep Blue Night.

Jane makes a large Advent wreath for the altar.

Children's Accompaniment Circle makes mini wreaths from Leaven rosemary to take home.

Thank you to Arvella and Jenny for being our CAC leads!

Second Sunday in Advent: Peace in the Deep Blue Night.

The DuVander Family is leading our CAC youth in making a special Advent Calendar with all of our youth's ideas and an invitation to the community to engage with their creation through Advent. Thank you, too, for the treats!

Third Sunday in Advent:
Joy in the Deep Blue Night

In our polling about favorite activities we heard that making paper chains was top on the list of fun activities. Today we are creating paper stars and paper chains to decorate the sanctuary together during kid-centering Sunday the following week.

Thank you to Arvella for being our CAC lead!

DECEMBER 17th: A full day!

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!


Kid-Centering Service

Fourth Sunday in Advent:
LOVE in the Deep Blue Night

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.


Potluck in the basement—thanks to Jenny and Amy for creating a main dish for all! Please bring sides, desserts, more mains, and deliver food to the basement before 10am.


Winter Makers Market and Silent Auction in the Sunroom!

All ages of vendors wanted, sign up in Events


Christmas Eve
Morning Service— All ages are together. Invitation to change the colors of the sanctuary following service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Youth Pageant!

All ages together.

All youth are invited to participate tonight. RSVP to is helpful.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of December 24-30

christmas eve morning contemplative service: TAIZÉ MUSIC, READINGS AND REST

December 24, 2023

** There will be no Children’s Accompaniment Circle this morning **

Rev. Alison Killeen , Presider

Cheryl Lohrmann, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps & Doug Brown, musicians

christmas eve candlelight service & CHRISTMAS PAGENT

December 24, 2023

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

A Special Thank You to all who come together to make Advent a special time and create closeness, fun and memories for our youth with activities and treats! There are always ways to contribute. Contact to participate by helping with crafts or bringing treats.

First Sunday in Advent:
Hope in the Deep Blue Night.

Jane makes a large Advent wreath for the altar.

Children's Accompaniment Circle makes mini wreaths from Leaven rosemary to take home.

Thank you to Arvella and Jenny for being our CAC leads!

Second Sunday in Advent: Peace in the Deep Blue Night.

The DuVander Family is leading our CAC youth in making a special Advent Calendar with all of our youth's ideas and an invitation to the community to engage with their creation through Advent. Thank you, too, for the treats!

Third Sunday in Advent:
Joy in the Deep Blue Night

In our polling about favorite activities we heard that making paper chains was top on the list of fun activities. Today we are creating paper stars and paper chains to decorate the sanctuary together during kid-centering Sunday the following week.

Thank you to Arvella for being our CAC lead!

DECEMBER 17th: A full day!

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!


Kid-Centering Service

Fourth Sunday in Advent:
LOVE in the Deep Blue Night

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.


Potluck in the basement—thanks to Jenny and Amy for creating a main dish for all! Please bring sides, desserts, more mains, and deliver food to the basement before 10am.


Winter Makers Market and Silent Auction in the Sunroom!

All ages of vendors wanted, sign up in Events


Christmas Eve
Morning Service— All ages are together. Invitation to change the colors of the sanctuary following service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Youth Pageant!

All ages together.

All youth are invited to participate tonight. RSVP to is helpful.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of December 17-24

Fourth sunday in advent
+ love +

Kid-Centering Service
December 17, 2023

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!

Rev. Alison Killeen , Presider & Scripture Reflection on Luke 1:39-42, 45-53, 56

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

A Special Thank You to all who come together to make Advent a special time and create closeness, fun and memories for our youth with activities and treats! There are always ways to contribute. Contact to participate by helping with crafts or bringing treats.

First Sunday in Advent:
Hope in the Deep Blue Night.

Jane makes a large Advent wreath for the altar.

Children's Accompaniment Circle makes mini wreaths from Leaven rosemary to take home.

Thank you to Arvella and Jenny for being our CAC leads!

Second Sunday in Advent: Peace in the Deep Blue Night.

The DuVander Family is leading our CAC youth in making a special Advent Calendar with all of our youth's ideas and an invitation to the community to engage with their creation through Advent. Thank you, too, for the treats!

Third Sunday in Advent:
Joy in the Deep Blue Night

In our polling about favorite activities we heard that making paper chains was top on the list of fun activities. Today we are creating paper stars and paper chains to decorate the sanctuary together during kid-centering Sunday the following week.

Thank you to Arvella for being our CAC lead!

DECEMBER 17th: A full day!

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!


Kid-Centering Service

Fourth Sunday in Advent:
LOVE in the Deep Blue Night

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.


Potluck in the basement—thanks to Jenny and Amy for creating a main dish for all! Please bring sides, desserts, more mains, and deliver food to the basement before 10am.


Winter Makers Market and Silent Auction in the Sunroom!

All ages of vendors wanted, sign up in Events


Christmas Eve
Morning Service— All ages are together. Invitation to change the colors of the sanctuary following service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Youth Pageant!

All ages together.

All youth are invited to participate tonight. RSVP to is helpful.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of December 10-16

third sunday in advent
+ peace +

December 10, 2023

Rev. Alison Killeen , Presider & Scripture Reflection on Luke 1:26-38

Michael Hogan, Assisting Minister

The Seat-of-Our-Pants Choir, Special Music

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

John Rodgers, Communion Setup

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

A Special Thank You to all who come together to make Advent a special time and create closeness, fun and memories for our youth with activities and treats! There are always ways to contribute. Contact to participate by helping with crafts or bringing treats.

First Sunday in Advent:
Hope in the Deep Blue Night.

Jane makes a large Advent wreath for the altar.

Children's Accompaniment Circle makes mini wreaths from Leaven rosemary to take home.

Thank you to Arvella and Jenny for being our CAC leads!

Second Sunday in Advent: Peace in the Deep Blue Night.

The DuVander Family is leading our CAC youth in making a special Advent Calendar with all of our youth's ideas and an invitation to the community to engage with their creation through Advent. Thank you, too, for the treats!

Third Sunday in Advent:
Joy in the Deep Blue Night

In our polling about favorite activities we heard that making paper chains was top on the list of fun activities. Today we are creating paper stars and paper chains to decorate the sanctuary together during kid-centering Sunday the following week.

Thank you to Arvella for being our CAC lead!

DECEMBER 17th: A full day!

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!


Kid-Centering Service

Fourth Sunday in Advent:
LOVE in the Deep Blue Night

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.


Potluck in the basement—thanks to Jenny and Amy for creating a main dish for all! Please bring sides, desserts, more mains, and deliver food to the basement before 10am.


Winter Makers Market and Silent Auction in the Sunroom!

All ages of vendors wanted, sign up in Events


Christmas Eve
Morning Service— All ages are together. Invitation to change the colors of the sanctuary following service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Youth Pageant!

All ages together.

All youth are invited to participate tonight. RSVP to is helpful.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of December 3-9

second sunday in advent
+ peace +

December 3, 2023

Rev. Julia Nielsen , Presider & Scripture Reflection on Mark 13:24-37

Lois Jordahl, Assisting Minister

The Seat-of-Our-Pants Choir, Special Music

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

John Rodgers, Communion Setup

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

A Special Thank You to all who come together to make Advent a special time and create closeness, fun and memories for our youth with activities and treats! There are always ways to contribute. Contact to participate by helping with crafts or bringing treats.

First Sunday in Advent:
Hope in the Deep Blue Night.

Jane makes a large Advent wreath for the altar.

Children's Accompaniment Circle makes mini wreaths from Leaven rosemary to take home.

Thank you to Arvella and Jenny for being our CAC leads!

Second Sunday in Advent: Peace in the Deep Blue Night.

The DuVander Family is leading our CAC youth in making a special Advent Calendar with all of our youth's ideas and an invitation to the community to engage with their creation through Advent. Thank you, too, for the treats!

Third Sunday in Advent:
Joy in the Deep Blue Night

In our polling about favorite activities we heard that making paper chains was top on the list of fun activities. Today we are creating paper stars and paper chains to decorate the sanctuary together during kid-centering Sunday the following week.

Thank you to Arvella for being our CAC lead!

DECEMBER 17th: A full day!

Come at 9:30am for our Hot Cocoa Bar!


Kid-Centering Service

Fourth Sunday in Advent:
LOVE in the Deep Blue Night

Angel visits Mary—Annunciation Story

Our activity is to make and decorate our sanctuary with paper chains and stars.


Potluck in the basement—thanks to Jenny and Amy for creating a main dish for all! Please bring sides, desserts, more mains, and deliver food to the basement before 10am.


Winter Makers Market and Silent Auction in the Sunroom!

All ages of vendors wanted, sign up in Events


Christmas Eve
Morning Service— All ages are together. Invitation to change the colors of the sanctuary following service.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Youth Pageant!

All ages together.

All youth are invited to participate tonight. RSVP to is helpful.


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of November 19-25

This Sunday
kid-centering worship service!

November 19, 2023

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

John Rodgers, Communion Setup

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

children’s accompaniment circle (CAC)

Encountering Land

Our story was from Matthew 25:1-12. The theme in S & L was "Being Ready".

A beautiful day— we went outside the main door and created a chalk compass and made a spiral labyrinth, based on our experience at Camp Cedar Ridge retreat. We walked and ran the labyrinth, 'Getting Ready'."

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality

Talk with or email: Jenny or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of November 12-18

This Sunday
and blessing of Leaven’s climate resilience core team

November 12, 2023

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider

Rev. Julia Nielsen, Living Word (Matthew 25:1-13)

Brent Wilson, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

John Rodgers, Communion Setup

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

children’s accompaniment circle (CAC)

This Sunday

Salt & Light's Theme of Encounter continues in this time of big earth transitions.

Today's themes are “How are We Encountering Land?” and "Being Ready.”

How are we like the land?
And how is the land like us?

Recently our youth made these colorful drawings of the Labyrinth and led a walk. What's next?

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality

Talk with or email: Jenny or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of November 5-11

This Sunday
+ ENCOUNTERING ancestors: all saints day +

Novemebr 5, 2023

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Living Word (Matthew 5:1-12)

Cheryl Lohrmann, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

John Rodgers, Communion Setup

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

children’s accompaniment circle

Last Sunday
The Leaven Retreat!

This Sunday:

"Blessed are the Peacemakers".

How are we living peace in our lives?

This is also a time to honor our ancestors.

You are invited to bring and share a photo or story about a person or a pet special in your life that is no longer living.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality

Talk with or email: Jenny or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email


Salt & Light Week of October 29-November 4

This Sunday
+ ENCOUNTERING purpose +

October 29, 2023

Rev. Jenifer Wagley, Presider & Living Word (Matthew 22:34-40)

Darrel King, Assisting Minister

Ali Ippolito, Lonnie Phelps and guests, musicians

Chris Evans, Usher

5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97211

COVID Protocol:
Masks are optional.

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 910512

Click here for a PDF of this Sunday’s bulletin.

Zoom access to the Salt & Light service has changed.

What is staying the same:

  • Anyone seeking to attend the service on Zoom will be able to participate in prayers (via chat) and communion.

What is changing:

  • There will no longer be slides guiding participants through prayers, readings and songs, but a PDF of the bulletin will be shared via Zoom chat. If you’d like a PDF emailed to you before Sunday for printing at home, email

  • Zoom chat, breakout rooms and group discussions will no longer be facilitated by staff or volunteers.

  • There will only be one camera giving the wider view of the Sanctuary.

What do you think about these changes? Whether or not you regularly attend services on Zoom, please fill out this Zoom Feedback Survey. CMLT will review the feedback and may integrate it into how we host services on Zoom in the future.

Take the Zoom Feedback Survey here!

Thank you for your feedback! It is an expression of deep care for this community to share your experiences and thoughts, and we appreciate it.

Regina & others at last week’s Kid-Centering S & L service

children’s accompaniment circle

Sunday, October 29th CAC is at the Leaven Retreat! If your young people are going to be with you at S&L and you are looking for ideas, you are welcome to contact Jane before Oct. 27th.

Create a Welcoming Space for All

Your participation is NEEDED to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday gatherings. All age groups are WELCOMED to help with the following simple tasks:

  • candle-lighting

  • flowers

  • greeters/ushers

  • hospitality

Talk with or email: Jenny or Darrel at

Interested in Zoom-hosting? Talk with or email:


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email
