Salt & Light Week of January 14-20

second sunday after epiphany
(online only)

January 14, 2024

Pastor Alison Killeen, Presider & Scripture Reflection on John 1: 43-51

Jane Keating, Children’s Accompaniment Circle

Zoom Info:
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode 91051

children’s accompaniment circle (cac)

Welcome CAC Shining Stars!

Epiphany Illumination

It’s a Zoom Pajama Retreat!

We’ll be meeting each other in everyone’s houses at once! Make sure your youth have a separate device to Zoom on and join with both devices at 10am.

Jane will be in her PJ’s. Please bring your colored pens and some paper.

We will play our own version of CAC “Video” games as a group.

And of course we’ll do our Rose and Thorns for a cold snowy day.

If you haven't already received your Epiphany Star we'll have some for you to choose from!


SPA team members accompany and facilitate responses to the needs, opportunities and transitions of community members, the people in their lives and our community as a whole. We invite leadership in the creation and integration of rituals - prayer circles, community blessings, rites of passage - to accompany and mark transitions and life passages of all ages.

Email SPA Co-Chairs or Pastor Alison with inquiries and requests.
Rev. John Rodgers Email
Mira Wood Bolaños Email (Inglés y Español hablado)
Pastor Alison Killeen Email