We are now in a season of transition and JOY!
SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022
Leaven/S&L ZOOM Login
Mobile: +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID 503 287 7553
Passcode: 910512
9:30-10:30am “We Make the Road by Walking”
In the chapel and on Zoom
9:45-10:45am Choir Rehearsal
11:00-12:30pm Salt and Light Worship
Pastor John Rodgers Presider
Matt Smith Scripture Reflection on Luke 12: 13-21
Ali Ippolito & Lonnie Phelps Musicians
The Seat-of-Our-Pants Choir Special Music
Chris Evans Usher
Children’s Accompaniment Circle
Jane KeatingZoom AV Team
CLICK HERE to view the video of Julia Nielsen’s scripture reflection on the prayer of Jesus as recorded in Luke 11:1-13.
Call Team - Ongoing
MONDAY, August 9, 2022
S&L Congregational Mission Leader Team
6:30-8pm, In person at Leaven & zoom
Inquiries: cmlt@leaven.org
Leaven Community Board of Directors
7-8:30pm In person at Leaven
Inquiries: board@leaven.org
Vickie and the kids interacting on the Wondering Time quilt, Sunday, July 24, 2022.
Children’s Accompaniment Circle This Sunday:
“Spirit of Power"
How do we know when something isn’t fair or just? Jane and the children will explore this question through the lens of 2 Timothy 1:11. "God has not given us a spirit of cowardice but of power, love, and a sound mind."
Sunday, August 14
Calling all Salt and Light Friends! In the Spirit of Unity and Diversity, CAC is having a “Friendship Day.” Call your pals at Salt & Light and we will all have some summer fun together. Let's see how many friends we can get together!
Alberta Park Movie Night
August 18
What Could We Do?
Leaven is tabling at the Alberta Park Movie Night, Thursday, August 18th. Would CAC like to engage with our neighbors in an activity for youth…all ages? What are your ideas? Come share your ideas this Sunday and next!